I am so happy to finally be able to share some good news in our family!
MY SISTER IS HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited if you can't tell! I have been wanting her to have another baby for so long. Zackary will be 7 in July and Jacob will be 6 in September and the new baby is due early January.
I really think that she is having a girl because this pregnancy is so different than either of the boys. She is so sick, throwing up all the time and she NEVER threw up with either boy. She can't smell food or open the fridge if it has something that smells bad to her or she starts to dry heave (which is hysterical). I do feel bad for her cause she actually was supposed to have back surgery TODAY, had it scheduled and everything and for some reason she decided to take a pregnancy test a few weeks ago just to be safe ( she had no clue that she was pregnant) and as you know the test came out positive! So she is in immense pain with her back but she is tough and will be able to do it!
So Wissa if you read this just know that your baby sister is proud of you and excited to have another baby to spoil! I love you and want you to know what a good Mommy you are, your kids are lucky to have you as their Mom. I love you.
Well I hope everyone is as excited as I am!
We Can Do Hard Things– (Angie Guymon)
6 years ago