For my 27th Birthday and my Dad's 60th birthday we went to Sparetime Bowling and Fun Center with my family. It was a lot of fun to bowl with the boys, they actually caught on pretty well. Jacob is a natural and was able to throw that ball down the lane; Zack on the other hand had a little problem. He would actually THROW the ball so it would smack down on the lane really hard and loud; I honestly thought that the floor was going to crack! After bowling the boys went galactic golfing with my parents. Then after that we went to Timbermine to eat dinner! YUMMY I love that place. I have some cute pictures that are on my other camera that I will upload later.

This is Zacky being a monkey!

Me trying to show the boys what to do, I was on a bowling league you know so naturally I am the best bowler in the family NOT AT ALL I AM TERRIBLE NOW!!!!

This is me and my beautiful Mom and Sister! I love them both more than either of them will ever know! And I am so grateful they are in my life, they do so much for me I don't deserve all that they do and how much they worry and take care of me.

These are the roses I got from my "boyfriends" Zack and Jake, Mel must have felt bad that I am single and don't have a boy to give me flowers right now so the boys did it!
All in all it was a really good birthday, for a long time I was being a brat and telling my parents and family that I didn't want to celebrate at all this year, I didn't want presents, I didn't want to go to dinner and I didn't want to do anything. I am glad that I realized how stupid I was being before it was too late. I realized that just because I am sad and lonley this year doesn't mean that I have to ruin the day for everyone else.
I am praying that by my 28th birthday I will have a really cute guy that will give me flowers for real this time. If I don't then that is ok as well I am just going to try and make the best out of every situation that life throws at me for the next little while and pray that things work out for me. I have a good feeling that this next year is going to be so much better than my last 5 years.
I'm glad you were able to go out and enjoy some time with your family. It looks like you had fun.
Nice haircut, by the way. Me likey.
I'm so glad you had a good birthday. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! One of these days I really would like to get together. Just know that I think about you often and that I love you so much! If you ever need anything, please don't ever hesitate to ask!
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