Well just found out today that my divorce is officially final! I have very mixed feelings about this. I was relieved and happy when I found out this morning from the clerk at the courthouse. And then about 20 mintues later I had to go into the bathroom at work and have a good cry. I am not sad because I think I made the wrong choice or anything, it was just an odd feeling to know that I am no longer married. I have had that title for so long that I don't know how to not be married.
I know that things will work out and that I will be happy again, it is just scary to think that I can start to date again. I mean I was with Korey since I was 18!!! I am 27 now, there is a big difference in dating when you are 18 and 27 I am going to be very cautious. But I do think that I am ready. I know for sure I am at least ready just to meet people and go out and have fun, I am so tired of sitting home all the time feeling like a loser:)
Well I just thought that I would put this out to the universe now maybe something good will happen to me!
Love you all!!
P.S. My Dad is doing better, his heart rate is still racing and his blood level is not what the doctors would like it to be but at least he is up and about! They are actually hopefully leaving for St. George tomorrow and will just have a doctor down there take over~
Thanks for all of your prayers and concerns on his behalf I really appreciate it and know that it helped in his recovery!
We Can Do Hard Things– (Angie Guymon)
6 years ago